About us

Business Growth

We strive to set new standards in the industries we operate in, always mindful of the global impact of our actions.

Strategy Process

We employ cutting-edge analytics to inform decision-making, ensuring agility and responsiveness in a rapidly evolving business landscape.


We employ risk assessment processes to identify, mitigate, and manage challenges, ensuring the stability and sustainability.

We are building bridges to the Sustainable Energy Market Place

WORLD ENERGY Center of Excellence is a multifaceted company dedicated to promoting Sustainable and Green Solutions to Oil & Gas, Mining, and Energy Industries. Committed to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, WORLD ENERGY Center of Excellence, an English-registered company, actively pursues Gold Mining, Oil & Gas Exploration, and Development while prioritizing sustainability and responsible business practices.

Unleashing Innovation

At World Energy COE, we believe in the power of innovation, education, and sustainable energy solutions.

Renewable Pioneers

We are driving the transition to a cleaner, more sustainable energy landscape.
about us

Major Project Categories

Oil & Gas
Green Energy
Critical Infrastructure & Engineering


At World Energy COE, our unwavering commitment to excellence drives us to actively seek and embrace transformative projects from both forward-thinking companies and visionary individuals. We recognize that true progress stems from innovation, sustainability, and a collective dedication to positive impact. Therefore, we invite you to be a part of our journey by submitting your projects within the specified categories.
Our Primary Core Offers

Our Commitment to Excellence

Join us in creating a connected world where collective intelligence fuels sustainable solutions for a better tomorrow.

World Mining Corp "WMC"

World Mining Corp, a key part of World Energy COE, leads responsible resource extraction through ethical mining, supplying essential minerals globally with minimal environmental impact.

Green Energy COE

GECOE is Specialize in renewable energy sources, We develop and implement innovative technologies that harness the power of nature to fuel our planet sustainably.

ESG Sustainability COE

Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond energy. ESG Sustainability COE focuses on integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance principles into every facet of our operations.


Technology is the backbone of progress. WorldITCOE, our technology arm, is dedicated to developing cutting-edge solutions that drive efficiency, connectivity, and intelligence across industries.

Ignition Corporation

Ignition Corporation sparks innovation. This subsidiary is our incubator for groundbreaking ideas, fostering a culture of creativity and exploration to address the challenges of tomorrow.

Empowerment Living

Empowerment Living is not just a concept; it's a commitment. This subsidiary is dedicated to improving lives, fostering community development, and empowering individuals to reach their full potential.
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